Regarding COVID-19

To our Glitz Family,

The current global health crisis has drastically shifted the way we all live, and has taken a devastating emotional and physical toll. 

Although this crisis weighs heavily on our souls, it has also given us time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for.

We are profoundly grateful for you, Glitz Fam, for choosing to shine responsibly with us over the years and support us as a growing, sustainable, femme & queer owned and operated business. Together, we have raised environmental awareness, encouraged fearless self expression, and sparked connections through spreading sustainable shine. 

We will forever continue this work, and continue to unapologetically shine our lights. Not only for ourselves but for our friends, family, and neighbors in this global community who may need a bit of sparkle to brighten their days ahead. 

There will undoubtedly be many ups and downs for all of us on the road ahead, but the most important thing to remember is that we are all in this together. 

This pandemic has shaken our global society to its core and unearthed our deepest truth: we are all deeply interconnected. Every decision we make has a direct effect on the lives of others. So with that in mind, we urge all of our Glitz Family to stay safe, stay indoors (if you can), offer help to someone more vulnerable (if you are able), and stay connected to your loved ones. Let's heal together and build a better future for everyone. 

We also invite you to do everything you need to in order to stay physically & mentally healthy. For us, this means finding ways to support and uplift our community through the beauty and power of sustainable shine. 

  • We will be donating 20% of sales over the course of the next few months to charities working to help those affected most by this pandemic. 

  • We will be sharing uplifting Glitz tutorials so you can learn how to still shine bright even from home. 

  • We also invite all makeup artists, drag queens, and creative beings who would like to play with Glitz during this time to reach out to us directly for a chance to win a free Glitz Kit.

Stay updated with us through our social media feeds and newsletter to find out more ways we plan to give back. 

During this trying time, we ask that if you have the means to do so, please consider supporting small businesses rather than large corporations. Shop at your farmers market, co-op, or organic grocery store to stock up on supplies. Consider purchasing a gift card from small businesses that you support.

While this is certainly a challenging time, we will get through it together and hopefully come out of this ever more connected and compassionate. 

Shine on & shine strong,

Team BioGlitz

Saba Gray